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When installing the double-sided tooth synchronous belt, everyone should pay attention to these points!

The double-sided tooth timing belt has many characteristics, mainly with double-sided transmission and simultaneous synchronization. It has existed for a long time. Double-sided tooth timing belt is widely used in machinery, textile, petrochemical and other industries, and its super tensile strength is recognized by everyone, so do you know what points need to be paid attention to when installing double-sided tooth timing belt? ? Let's find out together.

First: pay attention to details such as turning off the power
When installing the double-sided tooth timing belt, everyone must pay attention to turning off the power supply and removing the protective cover. When moving the motor, make the timing belt loose enough, and do not remove the timing belt by prying. , otherwise it will bring a lot of trouble.

Second: listen to the abnormal sound and check immediately
When starting the device, pay attention to whether there is any abnormal situation, pay attention to whether there is abnormal noise, if there is, turn off the machine, check the condition of the motor and other components, if you feel it, it is obvious When it feels very hot, three things can happen: ① the bearing is asymmetrical, ② the timing belt is too tight, and ③ incorrect lubrication. need to be resolved in time.

Third: see if there is wear and tear
When checking the synchronous pulley, everyone should pay attention to whether there is wear or cracks. If there is excessive wear, then the pulley equipment must be replaced. These points are when installing the double-sided tooth synchronous belt. Very important not to be sloppy.

As long as these points are paid attention to, the double-sided tooth timing belt can be better used, and it can also exert its own value.